A picture is worth a thousand words’ Dental Photography for Dental Care Professionals

Dental photography course & Pictures say1000 words .jpg

An insight into dental photography, how dental care professionals can develop their knowledge of dental photography in a clinical setting. Discussing their role and responsibilities, the equipment required to achieve a good standard of dental photography, gaining appropriate consent and how they can successfully implement photography into patients visits.


To provide knowledge that can help dental care professionals to achieve a good standard of dental photography within a clinical setting.


By the end of the session the delegates will be able to:

  • Identify the standard images taken to record the necessary information and what is an acceptable or unacceptable standard.

  • Discuss the key features of a camera, their functions and accessories required to create quality images

  • Understand reasons for taking photographs as part of a patient’s treatment and ongoing dental care

  • Suggest strategies to implement dental photography in clinical dental practice.

GDC Development Outcomes

The course meets and links with the GDC Development Outcomes A & C relating to the Standards for the dental team.